WOWSERS.....I have really exciting news to share with you!!!!! I am chosen with more lady's as Guest Designer... to came into the Team!!! YEHHHH when I got the message... I really jumped in the air of happiness!!!! And I am so very exciting.... and now I can I not wait LOL For the scrap KID to work and getting started then!!

Here are the other ladies who have been selected for the GDT Team and they are very talented!!!
Carla Marchee that is me..... Hilde Stolke...... Jamie harder..... .Letitia Lauer...... ,Jolaine Frias..... .Marilyn Rivera...... Winnie Chia....... Meg Giroux..... Elaine Rolfe..... .Debbie sherman...... Anita galliott....Luzma Bruna. The KID's are so amazing, Beautiful every time!!!! and this is for this mounth April for more KID,'s you can find I't here It is very Fabulous Kid IT Rock's!!! And check also the wonderful site what the Designer have made it's really stunning so much beautiful details!!! .

This picture is he cute or not yesssss I think very cute . He lie so sweet on the couch and thought noww!!! picture make LOL.

thank you for your visite and to the nexst time and thank to for the lovely comments!!!